Event Details


The Hearing and Speech Sciences commencement ceremony took place at 12:30 on Friday, May 23rd, 2014 in the memorial chapel. Refreshments were served prior to the ceremony, beginning at 10:30 am. See our photo gallery and our departmental award winners below.


Our Commencement Speaker: Virginia Geoffrey

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Our commencement speaker was Hearing and Speech alumna Virginia Geoffrey, recipient of the Arlington Community Foundation's "Spirit of the Community" award, an award which recognizes and honors those who have demonstrated tireless and unselfish commitment to improving the quality of life in Arlington.  She and her husband have provided friendship, guidance, and support to refugees from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam for many years.





Photo Gallery

See the Hearing and Speech Clinic Facebook page for more pictures from the ceremony!


Ph.D. Graduates Audiology Graduates
Doctor of Philosophy Graduates Doctor of Audiology Graduates
SLP Graduates
Masters in Speech-Language Pathology Graduates



Award Winners


Erin Pickett Erin Pickett, Outstanding Au.D. Student
Heather Davis Heather Davis, Outstanding SLP Student
Katie Lippit Katie Lippit, Outstanding Undergraduate Student
Julia Thorne

Julia Thorne, Rao Family Award in Memory of Carol Frattali

(for a committment to research in adult neurogenics)


Last modified
12/13/2018 - 2:12 pm