Lefrak Hall


DirectionsFor driving directions to LeFrak Hall, click here and put your address into Google Maps!

Main Office:
Room 0100, LEFRAK HALL (ground floor)

The Clinic: 
Room 0110, LEFRAK HALL (ground floor)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Refer to the Hearing & Speech Clinic Map for driving and walking directions once you arrive at the UMD campus. ​

Parking Directions for clients and patients:
-Designated parking for clinic clients and patients is in lot "A" next to LeFrak Hall. 
-When approaching the gate, LeFrak Hall is the building in front of you and on the left. You should enter on the lowest level.
-You will need to know the four-digit access code to open the gate. You should have received the key pad number from Kay in the clinic office; if not, call the clinic at (301) 405-4214 for more information. 
-Drive straight into the parking lot; do not bear left up the hill. 
​-Please park in the designated "Hearing and Speech Clinic" parking spaces, which are the last spaces on the left. If there aren't any designated spaces available, you can park in any of the remaining spaces in Lot A, as long as your permit is displayed. IMPORTANT! Please place your permit on your rear view mirror so it is facing out of the windshield. 
-If you have handicapped tages, please use the designated handicapped parking space available. 
-Do not climb any stairs to get to LeFrak. Walk up the parking lot (away from the gated entrance); bear left around the building, which is LeFrak Hall. Pass through the black gate (it is usually open), and into the brick courtyard. The entrance to LeFrak will be on your left. 
-When you come into the building go through a set of double doors and then make a right.
-The clinic is in Room 0110, halfway down the hall on the left. 

*To open the gate at Lot "A," you will need to key in a four-digit access code. Please contact the clinic office at (301) 405-4218 for instructions on how to access the gate.


Parking for Students: 
The closest student lot to LeFrak Hall is Lot 1. See the DOTS website for more information on obtaining a parking pass. You can use the UMD interactive pedestrian map to help you navigate from the parking lot to LeFrak (and anywhere else around campus). 



Last modified
06/03/2019 - 6:25 am