Important Disclaimer: Please Read Carefully. YOU are responsible for filing the following forms and documents. FAILURE TO FILE WILL RESULT IN THE POSTPONEMENT OF GRADUATION FOR A FULL SEMESTER. The Graduate School does not accept late forms.
PLEASE NOTE: The Department CANNOT file University forms for you. Do Not fax them to the department or leave them in faculty mailboxes for processing.
Required Forms for Graduation
Deadlines for these forms can be found on the Graduate School website.
Sequence of Major Requirements for the Au.D. Degree
- Year 2 (Spring/Summer)
- Choose Capstone Research Topic
- Choose Capstone Research Advisor
- Submit IRB paperwork
- Year 3 – Fall
- Register for HESP 849 (Capstone Research I – 2 cr.)
PLEASE NOTE: Register for the section of your Capstone Advisor. By the end of this course, you should have an approved Capstone Proposal
- Register for HESP 849 (Capstone Research I – 2 cr.)
- Year 3 – Spring
- Register for HESP 859 (Capstone Research II – 2 cr.)
PLEASE NOTE: Register for the section of your Capstone Advisor. By the end of this course, you should have completed your data collection and project - Take Comprehensive Exams: March/April
- Register for HESP 859 (Capstone Research II – 2 cr.)
- Year 4
- After passing Comps, submit the Admission to Au.D. Candidacy as soon as possible to the Director of the Audiology Program.
- Once you are admitted to Au.D. Candidacy, the Registrar’s Office (in conjunction with the Graduate School), automatically registers you for 6 credits of HESP 829 (Clinical Internship Residence) for each of three semesters (summer, fall, spring). This permits you to accrue the 18 credits total for HESP 829 required for graduation.
- Complete final stages of Capstone Research Project if necessary
- Present Capstone Research Project on Capstone Research Day (April)
Graduate School Deadlines
In general, the deadlines are approximately:
- First week in February of the semester in which you graduate: Last day to submit Application for Graduation (University requirement)
- Fourth week in April: Last day to submit Certification of Doctor of Audiology Degree form for May graduation.
Find all pertinent deadlines on the Graduate School website.
Important Reminders for Graduating Au.D. Students: Please Remember to Do the Following
- Fill out your ASHA application (KASA form) FULLY and have your advisor check it for accuracy. ASHA CCC application forms are available at the ASHA web site (www.asha.org). PLEASE READ instructions and the sample before filling out the application.
The Department keeps a permanent copy of the ASHA application in your files for your future employment inquiries. ASHA does NOT keep a copy of the application. Please fill it out completely and neatly. Dr. Gordon-Salant will NOT sign off on incomplete applications, even though only the end pages must be submitted to ASHA. THIS MEANS YOU MUST FILL OUT ALL COURSEWORK AND CLOCK HOUR INFORMATION. FORMS WILL NOT BE SIGNED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION.
You must submit these forms TOGETHER WITH the other pages of the ASHA Certification application, which require Dr. Gordon-Salant's signature.
- Please list the University of Maryland as a recipient of your NTE ASHA Praxis exam scores. The code of UM for the Praxis exam is 0131.
- Please provide the department with a copy of your forwarding address if you will be moving after graduation, as well as your new email address.
- Please notify the department of your employment site as soon as you know it.
- Please complete the e-mailed exit interview that we will send you automatically. Exit interviews can also be scheduled for anytime within the month prior to graduation, or at any time after graduation. Interviews can be held over the phone if this is more convenient, but should still be scheduled. Exit interviews help the department to identify those aspects of the program which should be improved, as well as those aspects of the program which were satisfying to you.
For more information on Graduate Student Deadlines, click here.