Hearing and Speech in the Evening (HESPIE) is a program designed to provide post-baccalaureate students with the necessary prerequisite coursework to apply for graduate work in speech-language pathology or audiology.
HESPIE offers courses at convenient evening times during the University’s fall, spring, and summer semesters, accommodating workforce schedules. We have two cohorts per year; the fall entry cohort meets face-to-face in campus classrooms (HESPIE-Campus), while the spring entry cohort meets remotely--but synchronously (HESPIE-Online) for all courses.
The program includes eight courses—two offered each semester—with class meeting times of one evening per week. All courses are offered at in-state undergraduate rates to all students admitted into the program. For more information about the program and to find out how to apply, visit https://exst.umd.edu/professionals-post-baccalaureates/post-baccalaureate-programs/hearing-and-speech-evening.