Please find below some common types of class notes submissions, and the best types of information to include. You may submit any other additional information. We reserve the right to edit class notes to fit our editorial style.
May include title, name of company, description of position, location, previous position.
Birth announcement:
May include: first and/or middle name of child, day/month/year born.
If listing other children, please list first/middle names and ages.
Wedding announcement:
Please include: day/month/year married and spouse’s first and last name. May also include location of wedding and names of alumni who were in the wedding party or who attended the wedding.
Work published:
Must include title of publication and/or host publication (article name and journal title, for example) and coauthors if there are any. Please also provide a URL to the book or publisher online, if possible. May also include date of publishing, publisher name, date published, other books.
Featured/listed in a publication:
Please include full name of magazine, publication date, name of issue if it’s a special issue and/or name of article the person was in. If it’s a professional publication, please list the professional title and name of the company.
Membership to committee or organization:
Must include full name of the organization and the person’s title (if applicable) within the organization.
Retirement notice:
Please include most recent company name and date retired.
Awards and honors:
Please include full name of organization it came from, date given, if the person was the only recipient or one of a number.
Please include where from and where to.May include new job, if applicable.
Earned a degree:
Must include date, name of school, name of degree.
In Memoriam notices:
Please do not use this online form, but rather, send an e-mail to hesp_alumninotes [at]
Please include: full name, date of death, location.
Degree/year from University.
Link to online obituary.