Check out the Annual Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Support Group Newsletter!

The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Support Group Newsletter provides resources, offers helpful hints, and summarizes the topics discussed during group in 2023, and this year introduces a new section called "Member Spotlight". 

Topics of 2023

Protecting Your Hearing
Maddie Rolf
Exposure to loud sounds can damage the hair cells and nerves in the ears. It is important to wear appropriate hearing protection, especially when you are exposed to sounds above 85-90 dB HL for an extended period of time.
Communication Strategies
Sydney Hancock
When communication is impaired, it can increase fatigue and frustration in both parties. Facilitative strategies are ways of making communication easier for you and those around you by making small but impactful changes to your behavior.
Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Relief
Rachel Sussman and Kendell Adson
Hearing aid selection goes far beyond a patient’s audiogram – a number of different factors must be considered to ensure a patient gets fit with the hearing aid that best suits their needs.

Learn to Quiet Your Brain
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jutta Brettschneider, OTD, OTR/L and GCFP

Click here to download the newsletter.

Tinnitus Support Group Newsletter 2023