Required Courses 
HESP 120 - Introduction to Linguistics

An introduction to the scientific study of natural language with focus on the basic concepts of phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics with subsequent attention to the applied aspects of linguistic principles. 

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 150 - Introduction to Language Science

Language science is the scientific study of how humans acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language. Most people in all societies learn and use their native language or languages with apparent ease - but don't be fooled: languages are highly complex, and speaking and understanding language requires some amazing feats of mental acrobatics. Thus there are many opportunities for difficulties with language, which is the focus of our field. Understanding difficulties with speech, language, and hearing require first understanding how processing works when language is successful - the psychological (behavioral) and neurobiological (brain) factors that enable people to learn and use language despite its intricacies, the structure and properties of language itself, and how knowledge of language is acquired, represented, and processed in the mind and brain.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 202 - Introduction to Hearing and Speech Sciences

An introduction to communication sciences and disorders; a survey of the bases of normal speech, language and hearing ability, major forms of communicative disorders and their treatment.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 300 - Introduction to Psycholinguistics

An introduction to current theories of language and an investigation of their relationship to human communication behavior. Survey of the experimental literature relating to this question.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Winter, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 303 - Phonetic Transcription 

An introduction to broad and narrow phonetic transcription, and to physiology of speech production. The primary goal of the course is to provide knowledge about phonetics and the ability to use this knowledge in an applied setting.

Credits: 2 ♦ Semesters: Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 305 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism

Anatomy, physiology, and neurology of speech mechanism.

Credits:3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 306 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech & Hearing

This is a 4-credit course focusing on the biological and neurological bases of human speech production and human hearing, namely the anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the vocal/speech mechanism and the hearing mechanism.Specifically, respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, swallowing, and hearing will be highlighted. A strong understanding of normal anatomy and physiology is essential for the successful evaluation and treatment of patients with speech, language, swallowing and hearing disorders.

Credits: 4 ♦ Semesters: Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 311 - Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Auditory System

Gross anatomy of the ear and pathways for transmission of sound energy through the peripheral and central auditory system. Causes, development and effects of pathological conditions contributing to temporary or chronic hearing impairments.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ,Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 400 - Speech and Language Development in Children

Analysis of the normal processes of speech and language development in children.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring, Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 403 - Introduction to Phonetic Science

An introduction to physiological, acoustic and perceptual phonetics; broad and narrow phonetic transcription; current models of speech production and perception.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 407 - Bases of Hearing Science

Fundamentals of hearing, including the physics of sound, anatomy and physiology of peripheral and central auditory nervous system, psychophysical procedures used in measurement of auditory sensation and perception, and topics in psychological acoustics.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 411 - Introduction to Audiology

An introduction to the field of audiology. Evaluation and remediation of hearing handicaps.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus


HESP 313: Neurobiology for Speech and Hearing

This course is designed to provide an understanding of normal neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of speech and language. It will also provide preliminary information regarding pathologic processes, especially those affecting speech and language.

Credits: 2 ♦ Semesters: Winter ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 386 - Experiential Learning

Credits: 3-6 ♦ Semesters: Winter ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 388 - Undergraduate Research Internship

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 389 - LEAP Classroom Internship

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 402 - Language Disorders in Children

Etiology, assessment and treatment of language and phonological disorders in children.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 404 - Voice and Fluency Disorders

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 406 - Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults

Survey of the dysarthrias and aphasias in adults from an interdisciplinary point of view.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 410 - Organic Speech Disorders

Overview of cleft palate, pediatric and adult swallowing disorders, pediatric cerebral palsy, including dysarthria/apraxia, and their effects on communication; treatment considerations.

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 413 - Aural Rehabilitation/Habilitation 

The fundamental aspects of aural rehabilitation therapy for both adults and children are introduced to students. Class time will consist of lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 417 - Principles and Methods in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

The principles underlying the treatment of speech, language and hearing disorders in children and adults.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Fall, Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 418 - Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

HESP 418A - Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; Audiology Option

For Hearing and Speech Sciences majors who wish to gain clinical experience in audiology.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 418B - Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; Speech Pathology Option 

For Hearing and Speech Sciences majors who wish to gain clinical experience in speech-language pathology.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 420 - Deafness and Sign Language

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 422 - Neurological Bases of Human Communication 

Basic neurology as it pertains to anatomy and physiology substrates of speech and language.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Spring ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 469 - Honors Thesis research 

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 498 - Seminar in Hearing and Speech Sciences

HESP 498B - Augmentative and Alternative Communication 

An online course designed to provide an introduction to the principles, methods, and procedures for categorizing, understanding, and devloping augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems for persons with complex communication needs.

Credits: 3 ♦ Semesters: Summer ♦ View Syllabus

HESP 499 - Independent Study

Credits: ♦ Semesters: ♦ View Syllabus

Last modified
08/13/2021 - 4:15 pm