Nedelina Tchangalova

Library Specialist in Hearing & Speech Sciences

Email: nedelina [at]

Schedule an appointment



Hearing and Speech Sciences Library Guide


Services Provided by the Library Specialist: 

Orientations for Students and Faculty
The subject specialist librarian is available to conduct tailored orientations for students or faculty within your department. These sessions can also include periodic updates upon request.

Instructional Classes on Information Literacy
The librarian can provide online and in-person instructional classes tailored to specific courses or groups focused on information literacy. They can also suggest ways to develop effective library-related assignments. They can also develop content within your ELMS course. See an example for a Canvas course in public health here.

Custom Course Web Pages
Upon request, the librarian can create a dedicated webpage with curated print and electronic resources for your class assignments. This is typically done alongside an information literacy instruction session.

Individual or Small Group Consultations
Students, faculty, or staff can schedule appointments with the librarian to discuss the research process, identify suitable resources, or receive guidance on database searches for specific projects or assignments.

Research Assistance
The librarian is here to answer any questions you may have regarding library policies, services, databases, and other research-related inquiries. For quick answers, visit the Ask Us webpage or contact your librarian directly. For an overview of available research resources, check the Libraries Research Guide or the HESP Research Resources page. Interested in citation management software (e.g., Zotero)? Or conducting a systematic review or any other type of literature review? Contact me at nedelina [at] or schedule an appointment.

Collection Development
The subject specialist librarian is responsible for selecting materials in designated subject areas. They welcome requests and recommendations from faculty, students, and staff, but ultimately make the final decisions regarding purchases, cancellations, withdrawals, and transfers of print and electronic resources.


Last modified
09/23/2024 - 8:07 am