HESP undergraduate and graduate students who are completing independent research projects can now apply for the MCM Fund for Student Research Excellence. This award is designed to support student research projects, and is made possible by an anonymous endowment to the Department and by other donations by faculty, alumni, and friends. Full-time Hearing and Speech students will be prioritized for MCM funding.

Support will be granted for active research support, such as materials, equipment, subject payments, etc., as well as expenses associated with presentation of research at professional meetings. No award will exceed $500, and most awards will be of lesser value, to accommodate the number of students seeking financial assistance. Students can only receive one MCM award per degree, and we are less likely to fund students for the MCM award who have received other departmental awards.  Because we have limited resources, students who have received an MCM award, and subsequently receive a larger external award for the same project (such as a CAPSCD research award, or an NSF research award), are expected to return the MCM funding to allow other students to benefit. 

The MCM is a fund to support student research and not for travel for non-research presentations. If you want to apply for funding to a conference for a non-research presentation, please see information in the "Travel Awards" section here.

Any student receiving an MCM award is expected to write a post for the department's blog site.  Although there is flexibility in the topic, the expectation is that the post would be about the current state of the literature on the topic being studied:  what we know, what we don't know, and why we should care.  This is an opportunity to explain to a broader audience why your research topic is interesting and worth pursuing.

Applications must normally be received by the HESP Department Chair (Lefrak 0100) by October 1 (Fall) or February 15 (Spring).

Download the application here: (word) (pdf)

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Last modified
01/19/2023 - 12:44 pm