University of Maryland Chapter of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA)


About SAA

Welcome to the web page for the University of Maryland Chapter of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA)! Our mission is to serve as a collective voice for students within the chapter area and to advance the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in audiology. It also provides opportunities for student members to become leaders in audiology and advance the profession through education, advocacy, and professional development.

The mission of the SAA is to:

  • Promote and support the education and training of students in the field of audiology.

  • Provide opportunities for student members to become involved in leadership and advocacy activities within the profession.

  • Facilitate communication and networking among student members, educators, and practitioners in audiology.

  • Promote the professional development of student members through mentorship and other opportunities.

  • Increase public awareness of audiology and the role of audiologists in healthcare.

  • Provide a collective voice for student members within the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) and other professional organizations.

Individuals who are interested in joining the Maryland SAA should contact our UMD faculty representative, Lacey Curry, AuD, at curry19 [at] for more information.


Tangible Benefits of Joining SAA

  • A subscription to the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA), the Academy’s research journal.
  • A subscription to Audiology Today (AT), the Academy’s bi-monthly (six times per year) magazine.
  • A subscription to AT Extra, the Academy’s e-newsletter.
  • Student rates for attendance at AudiologyNOW!, the Academy’s premiere national convention.
  • Opportunities to participate in a comprehensive student track and other student activities at AudiologyNOW!.
  • Access to the Externship Registry, the Academy’s list of sites available to 4th-year audiology externs.
  • Access to HearCareers, the Academy’s employment services program
  • Access to a dedicated SAA Website.
  • Access to members-only areas on both the Academy and SAA Websites.


Annual Events

  • Walk 4 hearing (October)
  • Maryland Day (April)
  • Capstone Research Day (May)
  • White Coat Ceremony (May)





Executive Board


President: Alyssa Pasta

Vice President: Kylie Kelleher

Treasurer: Ariella Sapoznick 

Secretary: Taylor Sever

Public Relations Chair: Lindsey Hoffman 

Outreach Coordinator: Olivia Gagne 

Undergraduate Representative: Yuri Kim 


Pertinent Links



Past Events

Walk 4 hearing, October 2024
Walk 4 hearing, October 2023
Walk 4 hearing, October 2022
Walk 4 hearing, October 2022
Maryland Day, March 2022
Maryland Day, March 2022
Last modified
12/04/2024 - 11:35 am