Project Name | Project Sponsor | Principal Investigator |
Optimizing bilateral and single-sided deafness cochlear implants for functioning in complex auditory environments | NIH-NIDCD | Goupell, Matthew |
Peripheral and central contributions to auditory temporal processing deficits and speech understanding in older cochlear implantees | NIH-NIDCD | Goupell, Matthew |
Effects of asymmetries on binaural-hearing abilities across the lifespan Sciences | NIH-NIDCD | Goupell, Matthew |
Functional hearing evaluation for military occupational specialties | Creare, Inc. | Gordon-Salant, Sandra |
Impact of auditory-visual distraction on communication | Gordon-Salant, Sandra | |
Speech processing algorithms for elderly listeners with hearing loss | ADVANCE Program | Gordon-Salant, Sandra |
Auditory temporal processes, speech perception and aging | Natiional Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health | Gordon-Salant, Sandra |