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Publications related to Assistive Technology-Rehab for Speech, Language, and Hearing
Gray, W. O., Mayo, P. G., Goupell, M. J., and Brown, A. D. (2021) “Transmission of binaural cues by bilateral cochlear implants: Examining the impacts of bilaterally independent spectral peak-picking, pulse timing, and compression,” Trends Hear. 25, 1-23.
Bakal, T. A., DeRoy Milvae, K., Chen, C., and Goupell, M. J. (2021) “Head shadow, summation, and squelch in bilateral cochlear implant users with linked automatic gain controls,” Trends Hear. 25, 1-17.
Blomquist, C., Newman, R. S., Huang, Y. T., & Edwards, J. (2021). Children with cochlear implants use semantic prediction to facilitate spoken word recognition. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(5), 1636-1649.
Blomquist et al. (2021)_1.pdf
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Mallikarjun*, A., Shroads, E., & Newman, R. S. (2021). The role of linguistic experience in the development of the consonant bias. Animal Cognition, 24(3), 419-431.
Jaekel, B. N., Weinstein, S., Newman, R. S., and Goupell, M. J. (2021) “Access to semantic cues does not promote perceptual restoration of interrupted speech in cochlear-implant users,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149, 1488-1497.
Jensen, K. K., Cosentino, S., Bernstein, J. G. W., Stakhovskaya, O. A., and Goupell, M. J. (2021). “A comparison of place-pitch-based interaural electrode matching methods in bilateral cochlear-implant users,” Trends Hear. 25, 1-21.
Johnson, K. C., Xie, Z., Shader, M. J., Mayo, P. G., and Goupell, M. J. (2021) “Effect of chronological age on pulse rate discrimination in adult cochlear-implant users,” Trends Hear. 25, 1-15.
Yun, D., Jennings, T. R., Kidd Jr., G., and Goupell, M. J. (2021) “Benefits of acoustic beamforming for bilateral cochlear-implant users,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149, 3052-3072.
Goupell, M. J., Eisenberg, D., and DeRoy Milvae, K. (2021). “Dichotic listening performance with cochlear-implant simulations of ear asymmetry is consistent with difficulty ignoring clearer speech,” Atten. Perc. Psych. 83, 2083-2101.
Heffner, C. C., Newman, R. S. & Idsardi, W. (2021). Action at a distance: Long-distance rate adaptation in event perception. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(2), 312-325. doi: 10.1177/1747021820959756.
Heffner et al. (2021).pdf
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Maher, Z. K., Erskine, M. E., Byrd, A. S., Harring, J. F. & Edwards, J. R. (2021). African American English and Early Literacy: A comparison of approaches to quantifying nonmainstream dialect use. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 52(1),118-130.
Hsu, N. S., Kuchinsky, S. E., & Novick, J. M. (2020). "Direct impact of cognitive control on sentence processing and comprehension." Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Tinnemore, A. R., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M. J. (2020) “Audiovisual speech recognition with a cochlear implant and increased perceptual and cognitive demands,” Trends Hear. 24, 1-17.
Misurelli, S., Goupell, M. J., Burg, E., Jocewicz, R., Kan, A., and Litovsky, R. Y. (2020) “Auditory attention and spatial unmasking in children with cochlear implants,” Trends Hear. 24, 1-11.
Shader, M. J., Gordon-Salant, S, and Goupell, M. J. (2020). “The impact of aging and peripheral neural survival on temporal processing ability in cochlear-implant users: Gap detection thresholds,” Trends Hear. 24, 1-13.
Sheffield, S., Goupell, M. J., Spencer, N., Stakhovskaya, O. A., and Bernstein, J. G. W. (2020). “Frequency dependence of the head-shadow benefit for single-sided deaf and bilateral cochlear implantees,” Ear Hear. 41, 576-590.
Xie, Z., Shader, M. J., Gordon-Salant, S., Anderson, S. and Goupell, M. J. (2020) “Letter to the Editor: Possible sex effects on the processing of temporal cues in word segments in adult cochlear-implant users,” Trends Hear. 24, 1-2.
Shader, M. J., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M. J. (2020). “The impact of aging and peripheral neural survival on temporal processing ability in cochlear-implant users: Amplitude modulation detection thresholds,” Trends Hear. 24, 1-14.
Mayo, P. G. and Goupell, M. J. (2020) “Acoustic factors affecting interaural level differences for cochlear-implant users,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147, EL357-362.
O'Fallon, M., Von Holzen, K. & Newman, R. (2020). Preschoolers’ word-learning during storybook reading interactions: Comparing repeated and elaborated input. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 63(3), 814-826. DOI: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-19-00189
Shader, M. J., Nguyen, N., Hertzano, R., Eisenman, D. J., Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M. J. (2020) “The effect of stimulation rate on speech understanding in older cochlear-implant users,” Ear Hear. 41, 640-651.
Waddington, E., Jaekel, B. N., Tinnemore, A., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M. J. (2020) “Recognition of accented speech by cochlear-implant listeners: Benefit of audiovisual cues,” Ear Hear. 41, 1236-1250.
Xie, Z., Gaskins, C. R., Shader, M. J., Gordon-Salant, S., Anderson, S., and Goupell, M. J. (2019). “Age-related temporal processing deficits in word segments in adult cochlear-implant users,” Trends Hear. 23, 1-19.
Kan, A., Goupell, M. J., and Litovsky, R. Y. (2019). “Effect of interaural mismatch and channel separation on binaural fusion and lateralization in cochlear-implant and normal-hearing listeners,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 1448-1463.
Bernstein, J. G. W., Stakhovskaya, O. A., Jensen, K. K., and Goupell, M. J. (2019) “Acoustic hearing can interfere with single-sided deafness cochlear-implant speech perception,” Ear Hear. E-pub ahead of print.
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