Welcome to the HESP alumni listserv list!
We have set up this resource as a FREE way for you to:
- Network with colleagues and fellow alumni,
- Brainstorm clinical problems,
- Stay up to date with emerging trends in assessment and therapy,
- Keep you up to date with what's going on in HESP and on campus,
- Find or advertise jobs or internships,
- Let HESP know of milestones in your life,
- and other uses.
We hope that you will like being enrolled on this listserv list. We couldn't find an email for all of our alumni, so, if you have HESP friends, please feel free to forward this message to any and all of them. They can then subscribe by emailing the following command to listserv@listserv.umd.edu : subscribe hespterps Your Name
If you do not wish to stay on the listserv, you can unsubscribe in a similar way, by mailing the command unsubscribe hespterps to listserv@listserv.umd.edu
Once you have been added to the listserv, you can send messages back to us and others on the list: just send your news, questions, comments, etc. to hespterps@listserv.umd.edu
Stay tuned! Our next postings will address:
- Upcoming events for alumni
- How to obtain low-cost CEUs
- Other pertinent topics as they arise
We hope to see you join our discussions!
Best regards,
Your listserv managers Melissa Richman, UG Terp 1991 and Nan Ratner, HESP
Connect with us:
Alumni Newsletter
HESP has a new alumni newsletter, with class notes that allow you to update your fellow alums on all you've been up to! See our form for submitting class notes. You can fill out whatever sections seem most appropriate (name and graduation year/program are the only items required). For more information on what to include, see our submission guidelines.
*Note: For general alumni information, visit: www.alumni.umd.edu.