- UMARC Webex: Legal and Family Plan Part 2
- UMARC Webex: Legal and Family Plan Part 1
- UMARC Webex: Overview
- HESP is excited to announce we have a new Clinical Assistant Professor, Dr. Shields!
- Welcome to Stephanie Grissom, HESP's new Academic Advisor!
- NIH Grant to reduce bias and improve diagnostic measures for language disorders in preschool-aged children
- Congratulations to Nada Babaa for receiving a BSOS Summer Scholarship!
- Congratulations to Maryland Summer Scholar Fellowship Recipients!
- Congratulations to Julianne Garbarino and Eve Kronzek for being selected for Outstanding Graduate Assistant Awards!
- Congratulations to AuD Students for Successfully Defending their AuD Capstone Projects!
- Congratulations to HESP MA SLP students for successfully defending their honors theses!
- HESP Welcomes its Largest PhD Cohort Ever this Coming Fall!
- Dr. Jared Novick Awarded the 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award from BSOS!
- A huge congratulations to HESP student Xaria Crawford, who was awarded the Gilman Scholarship for spring 2018!
- Congratulations to the HESP students who graduated Fall semester!
- Congratulations to our long-term adjunct faculty member, Chris Zalewski, for the publication of his new book, "Rotational Vestibular Assessment"!
- Congratulations to PhD student Allie Johnson, who received a Student Research Travel Award (SRTA) to attend the ASHA Convention in Los Angeles, California!
- Congratulations to PhD student Michelle Erskine, who received a student travel award to attend the Boston University Conference on Child Language this week, where she is presenting "Understanding the effects of dialect familiarity on lexical processing ef
- Congratulations to Jared Novick on having his proposal for a new I-series class approved by the university! The class is: HESP214, "Should I Buy That?: Comparing Media and Commercial Headlines with Scientific Evidence from Brain & Behavior Research"
- Congratulations to Ph.D. student Jaci Schurman for her recent publication in the International Journal of Audiology!
- Congratulations to PhD student Julianne Garbarino and Dr. Nan Bernstein Ratner, who were selected for a Mentoring-Pair Travel Award (RMPTA).
- The HESP Department is very excited to announce that Dr. Sarah Sohns will be joining us as a new Assistant Clinical Professor, starting in November!
- Congratulations to Kathy Dow-Burger, Jan Edwards, and many others for being featured in the local Hyattsville newspaper for their summer volunteer reading program!
- Welcome to Dr. Marios Fourakis, who is officially joining our department as a 50%-time Research Professor starting this fall!
- Congratulations to Lucy Erickson on her new position in the fall at the NSF through a AAAS Science & Technology Fellowship!