Admitted SPLA, CAUD, HESP Students

Congratulations on your admission to the University of Maryland! Your academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and diverse experiences make you a great fit for the UMD family.

  • Financial Aid offers made: Mid to Late March (but sometimes even into the summer if slots become available)

  • Open House for Admitted Students: The date for the Admitted Students Open House is TBD

  • Deadline to accept admission offer and pay deposit (SLP, AUD): April 15, 5:00pm  

  • More detailed information about registration, orientation, student ID, housing etc.: Sent out in June via email

  • New student Orientation HESP & UMD Campus: Week before classes start (mid to late August)

  • See UMD Academic Calendar for first day of fall semester 

(note: there could be exceptions to this timeline)

Review your letter of admission in TerpEngage

  • You have likely landed on this page from your admission letter. Be sure to keep your letter handy. It includes important information about your semester of admission, major, advising college, resident status and University ID (UID). If you have not yet seen your letter, log in to the TerpEngage and select the “View Your Decision Letter” button. 

Respond to your offer of admission and pay deposit

  • Please respond to your offer of admission by completing the Decision Form located in your Terps Application Portal. If your answer is YES, and we hope it is, you will need to submit your enrollment deposit. This nonrefundable $500 deposit will reserve your place in the incoming class.

Complete remaining pre-requisite coursework:

  • Please verify that all remaining HESP-related coursework is completed before the fall semester. It is possible to complete the remaining ASHA requirements (Statistics, Biology, Physics or Chemistry, Social/Behavioral Science) during Graduate School, though it is highly recommended you complete these before beginning your graduate studies.

  • A list of pre-requisite courses can be found here:

Send OFFICIAL transcripts to the Graduate School (Physical or Electronic)

  • Physical copies of official transcripts should be directed to the following address:

                        University of Maryland
                        Enrollment Service Operations
                        Application for Graduate Admission
                        Room 0130 Mitchell Building
                        College Park, Maryland 20742

Acquire your UMD Directory ID

  • When you accept your offer of admission in TerpEngage, you will receive instructions on how to set up your Directory ID. If you need any assistance please contact the Division of Information Technology.

Set up your UMD email

  • Please see Starter Guide to UMD Email for steps to set up your new UMD email account.
  • Note: Graduate students should only set up an Gmail account. Please do not set up a Terpmail account. All official graduate HESP department correspondence must go through your Gmail account.

Complete your University-required health documentation

  • In addition to the health documentation required of the HESP department (more below), UMD requires all students to complete a University Health Center Immunization Record Form and submit proof of immunizations in order to attend University of Maryland and register for classes. To complete this, please visit:

Enroll in an insurance plan

Confirm that you are classified as a Maryland resident (if applicable)

Attend a Graduate School orientation

Additional steps for international students

Info on Finding Housing and Commuting

  • Commuting

  • UMD Off Campus Housing Database

  • Off Campus Housing Resources

  • Note for incoming students seeking a roommate: Each summer we compile a list of current and incoming students who are seeking a roommate and put these students in touch with one another. If you are interested in being added to this list, please email hespadmissions [at] with the subject line “Roommate Information” and include your name, preferred contact method, and any notes about specific housing accommodations you are seeking in the email.

Funding and Finances

The following are requirements for clinical readiness for the Fall semester. More details about this information will be included in the student letter to be mailed in May/June. Requirements for clinic on-boarding should be completed prior to the start of orientation in late August.


Bring to HESP Orientation:

  • Professional Conduct Standards (reviewed and signed)

  • CPR certification:

  • Immunization records and proof of the following:

    • Tuberculosis negative test results (must be no more than 12 months old)

    • Chicken pox (physician documentation of childhood occurrence/immunization or blood test to verify the presence of antibodies)

    • Hepatitis B vaccine (this consists of a series of three shots spread out over several months – don’t wait until you arrive at UMCP to get started. The final shot in the series may be completed during September or October)

    • If you do not have access to written proof of immunization (for hepatitis B or chicken pox), you may provide proof of titers (antibodies). This can be done through a simple blood test.

To be Completed in August:

  • HIPAA training (will open in ELMS in mid-August)

  • HIPAA forms (EMR access, video viewing, confidentiality agreement) signed

  • Payment of liability insurance and technology fee

  • CAUD only: Calipso registration

Last modified
02/16/2023 - 9:11 pm