The CLD-EP is rooted in academic and scholarly activity. Students in the program will complete an elective course that focuses on some aspect of linguistic, cultural or economic variation that is relevant to communication disorders. Example courses are:

  • HESP617: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Communication Disorders
  • EDCI 631: Student Assessment in the Second Language Classroom
  • EDCI 632: Special Education and Oral Language Development in TESOL
  • SLAA610 - Research and Theories in Second Language Acquisition
  • SLAA611 - Fundamentals of Foreign Language Acquisition and Instruction
  • SLAA650 -Second Language Analysis
  • Other graduate level (course numbering of 400-or above) courses on gender diversity, economic diversity, deaf culture and ethnicity.
  • An Independent Study (3 credits) with a faculty member on a topic related to linguistic or cultural diversity.

A 1-credit course, Seminar in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Communication Disorders (HESP 603), is offered as a 4-semester sequence and is required for all students in the program. HESP 603 requirements are met through completion of activities and assignments for the CLD-EP program. HESP 603 2017 syllabus


All MA students are required to complete a candidacy paper or thesis. Students in the CLD-EP program must choose a topic related to diversity or multiculturalism within the field of speech-language pathology. Topics should be discussed with CLD-EP faculty and faculty advisors.

  • Conduct original empirical research on a topic related to linguistic, cultural or economic variation in the area of communication sciences and disorders. This may be an independent study, an MA Thesis or a volunteer or paid research assistantship on approved projects.
  • Propose a novel empirical research project on a topic related to linguistic, cultural or economic variation in the area of communication sciences and disorders. This is the MA candidacy paper option.
Last modified
05/24/2021 - 11:18 am